Current version: 1.0

Note: Due to an oversight when preparing the finalized 1.0 release, the changelog marks it as "NOT FINAL". It is indeed the finalized 1.0 despite what the changelog says. This will be corrected on the next release.

Source port version

If you would prefer to play it in your favorite source port, this is what you should use. Just extract the contents of the ZIP into the folder where you keep the WADs for the port you want to play in. This should run in any Doom source port, except for the Unity-based one that Bethesda packaged with previous re-releases of Doom, and the KEX version which requires its own dedicated version instead (see below). Crispy Doom may have issues running it as an IWAD, so if it does you may need to use the "-noautoload" and "-nosideload" command line parameters. If you use GZDoom, then Chex® Quest 3: Vanilla Edition will likely show up in the game list if you put the files in the correct folder, thus you won't need to drag-and-drop, just select it from the game menu. version

A specialized version specifically configured to be playable in the Nightdive port of Doom included with Bethesda's current re-releases of Doom. Note that you will have to download it with the in-game mod browser instead of from this page, so look for "Chex Quest Trilogy [Breakfast Edition]" by "elf-alchemist" (who was given permission to handle this version, which uses an alternate title there to make it clear to everyone that it contains all 3 games). Also note that, inversely to the above version, this version may only run in the Nightdive port, so see above for a version that runs in all other ports.

DOS version

If you want to play this in DOSBox or on a DOS computer, this is what you'll want. Note that you'll need to run INSTALL.BAT before playing, and it's also recommended to run SETUP.EXE first to configure the sound card and controls.

Modding version

This is similar to the source port version except that the main WAD is based on Doom 2 instead and only contains dummy levels. This is not interesting to play by itself as it's intended only for modders and people wishing to play a mod that requires it. If you are interested in modding, it's recommended that you also read the modding guide.

Old versions

These are only provided for historical reasons. It's not recommended that you use these for any serious playing anymore. For more detailed information about the changes between these versions, check out the changelog included in the above downloads.

Chex® Quest 3: Vanilla Edition is unofficial and claims no association with General Mills, who owns Chex™ and Chex® Quest. Hosted by the Melodic Space Station.