These are optional music packs for Chex® Quest 3: Vanilla Edition. If simple MIDIs are not enough for you, consider getting these. They're not included in the base package due to their file size.

Chex Quest HD soundtrack

The soundtrack from the 2020 HD remake, Chex Quest HD, set up for playing with Chex® Quest 3: Vanilla Edition. Note that this only includes the tracks originally composed by Andrew Benon. Strife and Plerb's tracks are not included.

Prerendered music

Prerendered versions of the MIDIs using an SC-55 soundalike soundfont. This may get updated in the future to use a real Roland SC-55 instead.

Combined TRAKINFO pack

A combination of the above two for source ports that support KEX Doom's TRAKINFO feature, like Woof. Use this one if you're using such a port and would like to switch between the MIDIs, CQHD music and prerendered music on the fly. Also compatible with the 1996 version of Chex® Quest 1 and the 1997 version of Chex® Quest 2.

Chex® Quest 3: Vanilla Edition is unofficial and claims no association with General Mills, who owns Chex™ and Chex® Quest. Hosted by the Melodic Space Station.